Founded in 2021 by Pichaya Osothcharoenpol and Chaiyuth Yuthavoradejkul. Pichaya has product design background and became a prominent artist in Thailand for more than ten years, whereas Chaiyuth has extensive work experience in business and brand development with many leading corporate companies. We both share the same passion for art, design and décor. Ultimately, we want to create our own products that are good for others.

Our aspirational goal is to create sustainable décor and lifestyle products that possess artistic sense in design inspired by captivating cultures and functionally meaningful for better living.

We advocate eco-friendly production and sustainable health in which some of our products are made of non-toxic, antibacterial materials and have minimal impact on the environment. We also love to explore new technology for better experience and adding them to our products.

Each alphabet of our brand “apercu”
stands for key components of
our brand philosophy.

A – Art

It is the basis and core inspiration for us to create and develop products for our customers.

P – Personalization

We aspire to tailor-made product for customers according to their characteristics and identity.

E – Experience

We want our customers to have meaningful experience with our products via technology and our

R – Responsibility

We are responsible for the society and environment. We implement our business ethically.

C – Connection

We believe everything is connected to one another. As our mission is to be responsible for society and offering products for better living. Once our customers purchase our products, they connectedly share the same purpose and become an integral part in this mission with us.

U – Universal

Ultimately, we want to be a brand for everyone regardless the race, nationality and gender.